Let’s start the conversation

by | Aug 1, 2020 | Welcome

This blog has been created to allow readers of Warnock’s works to suggest material that may be of interest to other readers of the works. Warnock is eager to see any kind of material readers wish to send him using the Contact page. He will select some of this material for republication in the blog.

Stories about Tucson

Readers of Tucson: A Drama in Time are invited to tell stories of the drama in time that is Tucson that add to the story. Warnock has already collected and written a number of stories that for one reason or another were not included in the book. One of these stories appears as the next entry in the blog. Other entries may appear over time. When Warnock receives new stories from readers of his book, he may, with permission, refashion the stories slightly, or not, and repost them in the blog. He may, where appropriate, ask for claims to be documented.

Stories about music and instruments

Readers of Beauty: The Making of a Custom Guitar are invited to share stories of musical instruments they have known and loved. Instrument makers are also most welcome.

Stories about writing in the law profession

Readers of Effective Writing: A Handbook with Stories for Lawyers are invited to share telling stories about writing in the practice of law, effective or not so much. Cautionary tales.

Regular updates

Warnock will aim to update the blog weekly, likely at the end of the week.

Next: a few entries pertinent to the Tucson book to get started with, written, as the entries in the book are, in the present tense.

